This page contains a selected list of origami glossary; I will continue to add more entries in the future.
The last time when I was trying to introduce some systematic knowledge into Chinese-speaking culture, I faced tremendous resistance with some of my choices of terminology translations. I still don't think that was because my choices were bad, but because that there were some old-schools in power who refused to make changes. I hope that isn't the case in the Chinese-speaking origami society though. I by no means suggesting that my choices are superior to the others, these are merely my recommendation regarding terminology translations. I hope those who don't like these choices at the first sight could at least be open-minded for a second and listen to my justifications on them; it will probably make sense afterward.
In the following, the glossary will be give in the "English / Japanese / Chinese : definition" format, with my justification for my Chinese translation when necessary. I borrow the definitions from Robert J. Lang whenever possible.
Entries in which Japanese translations are unknown are marked with question marks. The reason why there are many unknowns is that many of these terms were created in the west (especially by Lang), and are rarely seen in Japanese literature as of now. If anyone has seen a translation for the missing terms, please leave a comment and I'll update it.
abstraction / ? / 抽象形 : A connected collection of 1D edges, 2D polygons and 3D polyhedrons, which is the model specification given by the author for a particular subject. Tree is its special case consisting of only 1D edges.一個由一維邊、二維多邊形和三維多面體構成的連通集結,是由模型作者對於特定主題所設定的模型規格。樹狀結構是抽象形的一種只由一維邊構成的特例。
axis / 軸 / 軸 : A line on a base along which the edges of flaps lie and to which the hinges of flaps are perpendicular.一個基本形當中的一條線,使得角片的邊與之重合、而角片的樞紐與之垂直。
axis-parallel / 軸平行 / 軸平行 : Any fold or line in a uniaxial base that lies on or parallel to the axis of the base in the folded form.在單軸基本形當中、任何在摺形當中與基本形的軸重合或平行的摺疊操作或線條。
base / 基本形 / 基本形 : A regular geometric shape that has a structure similar to that of the desired subject.一個具有跟目標課題相似結構的正規幾何形體。
box pleating / 蛇腹折り / 箱形褶 : A style of folding characterized by all folds running at multiples of 45°, with the majority running at multiples of 0° and 90° on a regular grid.一種摺紙的風格,其特徵是所有的摺痕都是 45° 的倍數,而大部分的摺痕都是正規格子上的 0° 和 90° 度之倍數。
在過去,大部分的翻譯都是直接借用日文的翻譯來翻成「蛇腹摺」,但我並不認為日文中用「蛇腹折り」對應「box pleating」是一則精準的翻譯,因為「蛇腹」的概念源自於平行褶片的形狀與蛇腹平行紋路相似,所以「蛇腹折り」其實本來應該只能泛指任何的平行褶片,亦即只表現出了「pleating」的意含,但是卻未必一定要是「box」(例如六角褶要說是「蛇腹折り」也一樣說得通),所以我試圖推廣新的翻譯、以更精確的「箱形褶」取代之。除此之外,因為歷史上 box pleating 原本就是西方創造出來的系統(源自 E. Mooser 設計的火車,並由 Neal Elias 和 Max Hulme 等人發揚光大),直接從英文翻譯過來也更加顯得致敬於他們的成就,我不覺得有必要再轉一手借用差強人意的日文翻譯過來。事實上,近年來在日文文獻中也已經開始出現一些改用「ボックスプリーツ」(即 box pleating 的音譯)來更精確地翻譯的例子了。branch flap / ? / 分支角片 : A flap that is connected to other flaps at both ends. A branch flap is represented by a branch edge in a tree graph.一個在兩端都連接著其它角片的角片。一個分支角片在樹狀圖當中是由一個分支邊來表示的。
circle packing / ? / 圓包裝 : Placing circles on a square (or other shape) so that they do not overlap and their centers are inside the square.把一些圓形放在正方形(或者其它形狀)之中,使得它們互不重疊且它們的圓心落在正方形之中。
日文中的「円領域分子法」有的時候也會被認為是對應於 circle packing 的翻譯,但是我認為該詞彙是狹義地指摺紙設計方法而言,而 circle packing 其實是更一般地泛指數學上的包裝問題,所以「円領域分子法」的正確對應應該是「circle-river method」才對(參見圓河法)。circle-river method / 円領域分子法 / 圓河法 : A design technique for uniaxial bases that constructs the crease pattern by packing nonoverlapping circles and rivers into a square.一種單軸基本形的設計技巧,藉由把不重疊的圓和河包裝進一個正方形中來構造展開圖。
collapse / 折り畳む / 收合 : Could refer to folding a sheet into any compact forms in general, but usually refer strictly to the process of folding the sheet into the base after precreasing.可以泛指把紙張摺成任何緊密形體的操作,但通常是狹義地指預摺完之後將紙張摺成基本形的過程。
connector / ? / 連片 : A visible layer in the folded model that is not part of the given abstraction. Uniaxial models are in fact entirely made of connectors, since the tree figure describes no layer at all.在摺好的模型中一個可見的、並不被包含在給定的抽象形中的一個層次。單軸模型實際上完全是由連片所組成的,因為樹狀結構其實並沒有描述任何的層次。
continent / ? / 大陸 : A very large piece of land. Not necessarily a bad thing, and is often inevitable depending on the abstraction.一個非常大塊的陸地。未必是一件壞事,且有的時候因為抽象形的關係是不可避免的。
copy / ? / 複製 : A copy of an edge in an abstraction is a line segment on the paper that is eventually folded to the corresponding edge in the base. A copy of a vertex in an abstraction is similarly a point on the paper that is folded to the corresponding vertex in the base.抽象形當中一條邊的複製是指紙張上的一條線段、它最終會被摺到基本形當中該邊的位置之上。類似地,抽象形當中一個頂點的複製是指紙張上的一個點、它最終會被摺到基本形當中該頂點的位置之上。
corner flap / ? / 角落角片 : A flap whose tip comes from one of the corners of the square.一個尖端位於正方形角落的角片。
CP : The abbreviation of "crease pattern". When abbreviated, this almost always refer to the picture of the entire crease pattern of a particular model.「展開圖」的縮寫。當縮寫的時候,這幾乎總是指某個特定模型的完整摺痕分佈圖。
crease / 折り筋 / 摺痕 : A mark left in the paper after a fold has been unfolded.當一個摺疊操作被反摺了之後,留在紙上的印記。
crease pattern / 展開図 / 展開圖 : The pattern of creases left behind on the square after a model has been unfolded.在一個模型被打開之後,留在正方行之上的摺痕之模式。
通常這則術語指的是作品的完整摺痕分佈圖,此時我傾向於從日文來翻譯,理由有二:1. 最先是日本文化圈畫出這種圖的,2. 從英文直譯過來的「摺痕模式」聽起來實在不如「展開圖」三字要來得容易理解。不過現在大家實際上在用的時候反正都會簡稱為 CP,所以翻譯其實也不是那麼重要了。然而,英文中的這則術語有的時候不是指作品的完整摺痕分佈圖,而是指其中一小部份摺痕之模式而言,這種情況下我確實也會翻譯成摺痕模式。crimp fold / 段折り / 雙段摺 : A fold formed by two parallel or nearly parallel mountain and valley folds on the near layers of a flap with their mirror image folds formed on the far layers.對一個角片的近層次進行兩道平行或近乎平行的山摺跟谷摺、並且對遠層次進行鏡射的操作之摺法。
英文的「crimp fold」和「pleat fold」兩者在日文中都一樣是叫做「段折り」,在很多日文文獻中都沒有對這兩者作出區隔(除少數有特別註明外),這其實有點傷腦筋。中文文獻中常常翻譯成「雙段摺」來區分之,我也覺得這比較理想,所以沿用。亦參見段摺。diagram / 折り図 / 圖解 : A figure illustrating the folding process, including the current state of the model and the actions to take.一個描繪出摺疊過程的插圖,包括了模型的當前狀態以及要採取的動作。
在今日的英文口語上,人們常常會用 diagram 來借代 folding sequence,但嚴格來說這兩者是不同的東西:diagram 指的是畫出來的圖本身(且可以指單張的圖,不一定要是一個序列),而 folding sequence 指的則是「步驟手順」而言,而 diagram 只是表達這個手順的其中一種媒介(例如也可以用動畫或影片來表達)。參考日文而在中文中另創一個新詞「摺圖」也是可以,但是我覺得既有的字典解釋「圖解」就已經充分精確了,所以我個人是這樣翻譯。亦參見摺序。edge flap / 辺カド / 邊角片 : A flap whose tip comes from one of the edges (but not a corner) of the square. An edge flap has twice as many layers as a same-sized corner flap.一個尖端位於正方形的一邊上(但非角落)的角片。一個邊角片的層次數為同樣大小的角落角片之兩倍。
edge-river method / ? / 邊河法 : A designing method which is a generalization of the tree method to non-uniaxial designs. Its core idea is to map each edge in the abstraction to a river in the map.樹狀方法在非單摺設計上的一種推廣的設計方法。其核心概念是將抽象形中的每一條邊對應於地圖中的一條河。
efficiency / 効率 / 效率 : A measure of how much paper is used to obtain features of the subject versus extra paper that is merely hidden away.關於「相較於那些只是被隱藏起來的多餘紙張部份,有多少紙是真的被用來造出課題的特徵」的一種指標。
elevation / ? / 標高 : The distance of an axis-parallel crease (or in general, any point) from the axis in the folded form.在摺形之中,軸平行摺痕(或者更一般來說、任何的點)到軸的距離。
ERM : Abbreviation of "edge-river method".邊河法的縮寫。
flap / カド / 角片 : A region of paper in an origami shape that is attached only along one edge so that it can be easily manipulated by itself.摺紙形體中的一個和其它部份之間僅有一道邊相連的紙張區域,於是該部份可以很容易地獨自被操作。
關於「flap」一詞的中文翻譯,我在過去最常聽到的是「分支」一詞,但是我不建議採用這則翻譯的原因是因為「分支」一詞應該對應於英文的「branch」才對,而這個詞彙在摺紙理論當中已經有別的用途了(參見分支角片),同時這則翻譯也沒有正確地暗示出「flap」指的是「紙上的一個區域」的這件事,所以我建議應該使用新的專有名詞來對應之。我在 Box Pleating Studio 之中彙整一些人的意見之後決定採用「角片」一詞,其中「角」就是日文的「カド」(該詞雖然寫成片假名,但它實際上的語源就是日文的「角」、而非外文),在加上「片」一字來代表這是一個摺紙形體中的部件。folding sequence / 折り方の手順 / 摺序 : A sequential set of steps to take, usually depicted by diagrams, for folding a particular model or structure.為了摺出某個特定的模型或結構的、一組有順序的、通常用圖解描繪的步驟。
在我的印象中,「摺序」是進入網路時代後才出現的新詞,而它顯然是從英文的 folding sequence 直譯過來的。雖然對圈外人來說可能略顯陌生,但是在中文摺紙圈中倒是已經用得滿普遍的了,詞義也非常精確,所以我也建議使用。generalized offset Pythagorean stretch / ? / 廣義錯位畢氏伸展 : A generalization of Pythagorean stretch co-studied by Robert J. Lang and Mu-Tsun Tsai.由 Robert J. Lang 和蔡牧村共同研究的畢氏伸展之推廣。
GOPS : The abbreviation of "generalized offset Pythagorean stretch".「廣義錯位畢氏伸展」之縮寫。
grafting / 付加 / 附加 : Modifying a crease pattern as if you had spliced into it a strip or strips of paper in order to add new features to an existing base.對展開圖做修改、有如你將一長條或若干長條的紙張拼接到其中那樣,以增加新的特徵到既有的基本形之中。
gusset / マチ / 襯片 : One or more narrow triangles of paper, usually formed by stretching a pleat or crimp.一個或更多的細三角形紙片,通常是由伸展一個褶片或雙褶片形成的。
英文「gusset」一詞原本是從裁縫領域借來的,在裁縫中該詞是指縫在衣服接縫之上以增加活動靈活度的三角形布料,稱為「襯料」,摺紙中因為這種三角形結構在概念上與襯料增加靈活度的概念類似所以借用了這個詞彙。因此中文我將它翻譯作「襯片」。gusset sliver / ? / 襯片碎片 : A gusset crease closely spaced with an axis-parallel fold, resulting in a structure difficult to fold.跟軸平行摺線非常靠近的襯片摺痕,會導致一個很難摺的結構。
hex pleating / ヘックスプリーツ / 六角褶 : A form of polygon packing in which the major creases run at multiples of 30° relative to one another.多邊形包裝的一種形式,其中大部分的摺痕彼此相對為 30° 的倍數角。
hinge / ヒンジ / 樞紐 : A joint between two flaps.兩個角片之間的連接處。
island / ? / 島 : A tiny piece of land. The well-known 1-unit plug in BP is one example.一個很小塊的陸地。箱形褶當中的一單位塞子是一個例子。
Kamiya pattern / 神谷パターン / 神谷模式 : The pioneer and special case of GOPS based on the 3-4-5 Pythagorean triple, named after Satoshi Kamiya who first utilized such patterns in box pleating designs.GOPS 的先驅與特例,是基於 3-4-5 的畢氏三元數而成的,以神谷哲史命名、因為是他最先將這種模式應用在箱形褶設計之上的。
lake / ? / 湖 : A region corresponding to a polygon in the abstraction, either a 2D component by itself or a face of a 3D component.一個對應於抽象形中的多邊形(或者自成一個二維元件、或是三維元件的一個面)的區域。
land / ? / 陸地 : A region that is not covered by water. It essentially represent the contraction of a vertex.一個沒有被水域覆蓋的區域。它本質上代表著一個頂點的收合。
leaf flap / ? / 葉角片 : A flap in a uniaxial base that is connected to the base at one end and is free at the other end. Leap flaps are represented by leaf edges in the tree graph.一個單軸基本形中的角片、其一端連接著基本形、而另一端是自由的。葉角片在樹狀圖中是以葉邊來表示的。
level shifter / ? / 移階器 : A pattern of creases in a uniaxial polygon-packed design that replaces one of or more segments of ridge crease in order to shift the elevation of a crease on one side of the ridge relative to that of the other.在單軸多邊形包裝設計中的一種摺痕模式、取代了脊線摺痕當中的一或多段、以使得該脊線其中一側的一道摺痕改變相對於另一側的摺痕的標高。
map / ? / 地圖 : A diagram depicting the distribution of lands and waters and their flow. It could go from a precise interpretation of existing CP to a roughly conceptual sketch.一個描繪出陸地與水域分佈和它們流動的繪圖。可以是既有 CP 的精確解讀、或者粗糙的概念性素描。
middle flap / 内部カド / 內部角片 : A flap whose tip comes from the interior of the square. A middle flap has twice as many layers as a same-sized edge flap and four times as many as a corner flap.一個尖端位於正方形內部區域的角片。一個內部角片的層次數為同樣大小的邊角片之兩倍、角落角片之四倍。
ODS : The abbreviation of "Origami Design Secrets", a book by Robert J. Lang.Robert J. Lang 著作之書《Origami Design Secrets》(直譯:摺紙設計奧秘)之縮寫。
offset Pythagorean stretch / ? / 錯位畢氏伸展 : A variation of a Pythagorean stretch in which the vertices at opposite ends of the stretch lie at different elevations.畢氏伸展的一種變化形,其伸展結構的相對頂點位於不同的標高之上。
origami / 折り紙 / 摺紙 : The art of folding paper into decorative shapes, usually from uncut squares.把紙張摺成裝飾性形體的藝術,經常是使用不切割的正方形來摺。
在繁體中文當中,最精確的用字應當為「摺」而不能用「折」,後者應理解為僅在日文和簡體中文中使用。OSME : The abbreviation of "International Meeting on Origami in Science, Mathematics and Education", an event that is held since 1989.「國際摺紙科學、數學與教育研討會(International Meeting on Origami in Science, Mathematics and Education)」的簡稱,一項自從 1989 年舉辦至今的活動。
peninsula / ? / 半島 : A band-shaped land between two rivers forming a concave intersection in the abstraction. Its existence is necessary for tucking in all pleats inside the model, so that the folded base does not display unwanted connectors.一個介於兩條在抽象形中構成凹點的河之間的帶狀陸地。為了要將所有的褶片塞入模型的內部、使得摺好的基本形沒有任何暴露的連片,其存在是必須的。
perfect Pythagorean stretch / ? / 完美畢氏伸展 : A version of a Pythagorean stretch in which the vertices of the gusset lie at the vertices of its bounding rectangle.畢氏伸展的一種特例,其襯片的頂點位於外接矩形的頂點之上。
pleat / 段 / 褶片 : A structure formed by a pleat fold.由段摺產生的一個結構。
英文的「pleat」跟「gusset」一樣是從裁縫界借過來的詞彙,而在裁縫裡面那樣的結構就是叫做「褶」,所以我翻譯為褶片。pleat fold / 段折り / 段摺 : A fold formed by two parallel or nearly parallel mountain and valley folds formed through all layers of a flap.對一個角片的所有層次進行兩道平行或近乎平行的山摺跟谷摺之摺法。
我不能說我很喜歡這一則中文翻譯,因為這是直接把日文的「段折り」的漢字借來用的,而日文的「段」在這邊是「階梯」的意思、是要表現出摺完之後的層次像階梯一樣的感覺,而中文裡頭「段」一字則缺乏這種意含(我也看過有人翻譯成「階梯摺」但好像較少);比較達意的翻法應該是例如「做褶」或「打褶」之類的。可是在中文文獻中「段摺」的翻譯已經算是普遍存在了很久,雖然不盡理想但我也不覺得有很大的必要非改不可(因為它是一個已經被賦予了明確而無歧義含意的新詞彙),所以我沿用之。polygon packing / ? / 多邊形包裝 : A design technique for creating uniaxial bases in which polygons represent each of the leaf flaps and polygonal rivers represent each of the brach flaps in the base. Uniaxial box pleating and uniaxial hex pleating are both examples of polygon packing techniques.一種設計單軸基本形的技巧,其中以多邊形來代表基本形的每個葉角片、而以多邊形河來代表基本形的每個分支角片。單軸箱形褶與單軸六角褶均為多邊形包裝技巧的例子。
precrease / 予め折り / 預摺 : Folding and unfolding to create the creases required for a (usually complex) step.藉由摺了又反摺來製造出某種(通常是很複雜的)步驟所需要的摺痕。
rabbit ear fold / つまみ折り / 捏摺 : A combination of fold that turns a triangular corner into a flap by folding along all three angle bisectors of the triangle and gathering the excess paper into a flap.一個組合摺法、把一個三角形的角落摺成一個角片,方法是沿著三角形的三個角平方線去摺、並且把多餘的紙片集結成為一個角片。
從英文翻譯成「兔耳摺」我想也是可以接受的,不過其實日文的「つまみ折り」既比較古老而且又其實比較達意,況且英文的這則術語連他們自己也無法考證到底是從哪來的、其形狀與應用上也已經跟兔子脫節了,所以我比較傾向於翻譯成「捏摺」。raw edge / ? / 原邊 : The original edge of the paper, as opposed to an edge created by folding.紙張原本的邊,相較於透過摺疊而產生的邊而言。
我曾經看過有人翻譯成「毛邊」,但在講到紙張的時候「毛邊」一術語更常是指沒有裁切整齊的邊緣,所以我建議翻譯成「原邊」。representational origami / ? / 具象摺紙 : The most common type of origami, of which models take on a recognizable form, such as an animal.最常見的摺紙形式,其模型呈現出某種易認得的形體,例如一種動物。
river / 帯領域 / 河 : An annular segment or rectangular region spanning across several copies of the same edge in the abstraction. It may loop back into itself, connect to a copy of the same edge on a lake, or flow to the sea. All edges in the abstraction needs to have corresponding rivers (could be of zero length) in a working map.橫跨過基本形當中同一條邊的若干複製的一個環形區段或矩形區域。它可能會流回自身、連接到一個湖上的同一條邊之複製、或流入海中。在一個合法的地圖中,抽象形中的每一條邊都必須有對應的河(可能長度為零)。
sea / ? / 海 : Raw edges and unused corner regions of the paper.紙張的原邊、或是未使用的角落區域。
shaping / 仕上げ / 塑形 : The process of adjusting the details of the folded base to finish the final model.調整摺好的基本形之細節以完成最終模型的過程。
sink fold / 沈め折り / 沉摺 : Inversion of a convex point. Sink folds come in several different types, such as open-sink and closed-sink.把一個凸點加以反轉。沉摺有若干種不同的形式,例如開沉摺和閉沉摺。
開沉摺和閉沉摺在日文中沒有內建的區隔,所以在文獻上常常要另外附註說明。spread squash / ? / 攤壓摺 : Similar to a squash fold, but without accessing the inside of the point to be squashed, and instead by spreading the layers around it.跟壓摺類似,但是無法碰到要壓平的點的內側,取而代之地藉由攤開該點附近的層次來達成。
這是一個難得連英文當中都沒有被完全統一的一則術語。Robert J. Lang 稱之為「spread sink」、而 John Montroll 則稱之為「spread squash」,其它出現過的稱呼還包括「squash sink」、「Lover's Knot move」,或者在一些文獻中一樣稱為 squash 而不作區分。我個人比較傾向於在英文中稱之為 spread squash,因為這一則操作在我的直觀認知上跟 sink 並沒有概念上的相似之處,但我也不認為一樣地稱之為 squash 是一個理想的說法,畢竟它無疑是一種比較進階的操作。squash fold / 內側を広げてつぶすように折る / 壓摺 : A fold in which the edges of a flap are spread, usually symmetrically, and the edges flattened.一種把一個角片的邊攤開(通常是對稱攤開)、並且把邊壓平的摺法。
這個術語至今(2021)日文中都沒有任何對應的簡短術語,都要白話地寫成「內側を広げてつぶすように折る」這一大串的咒語。swamp / ? / 沼澤 : A variation of the lake, in which the corresponding polygon is not required to be seamless (and is typically on the invisible side of the abstraction).湖的一種變化形,其中對應的多邊形並不被要求是無縫的(且通常是位於抽象形中不可見的一側)。
swivel fold / 引き寄せ折り / 旋轉摺 : An asymmetric version of a squash fold in which the two valley folds are not collinear.壓摺的一種非對稱版本,其中的兩條谷摺並不共線。
這個術語講真的,我看每一本中文的摺紙書的翻譯幾乎都不一樣,這可能是因為這個術語在東方的文獻中比較晚才被引進的緣故(日文的「引き寄せ折り」這一則講法也是比較最近的文獻才有的,2000 年左右的文獻中都還找不到這種講法)。英文中「swivel」的概念是取自該在操作中「紙是繞著一個點稍做旋轉」的感覺來的,既然此術語出自西方,我的建議便是照著翻譯為「旋轉摺」。three-step model / ? / 三步驟模型 : A joke term invented by Brian Chan, in which the three steps refer to "precreasing, collapsing, and shaping", and each of the three "steps" can take hours or even days. Such process had actually become the norm of super-complex models.一個由陳德智(Brian Chan)發明的玩笑說法,其中的三步驟是指「預摺、收合和塑形」,而這三個「步驟」分別都可以花上數小時或甚至數天時間。這種過程已經成了超複雜系模型的標準。
tile / タイル / 拼片 : A portion of a crease pattern, usually consisting of one or more axial polygons and decorated by circles and rivers, that can be assembled into crease pattern by matching circle and river boundaries.一個展開圖中的一部分,通常是由一或多個軸多邊形所構成,並且附帶畫上了圓和河,以便能藉由配對圓與河的邊界來組合出展開圖。
翻譯成「磁磚」有點太直白且無視文脈了,我建議以創新詞對應之。tiling / タイリング / 拼接法 : A crease pattern designing technique that uses known tiles to create complex patterns.一種展開圖的設計技巧,使用已知的拼片來創造出複雜的模式。
unfold / 開く、戻す / 反摺 : Removing a valley or mountain fold, leaving behind a crease.移除掉一項谷摺或山摺操作,而留下一條摺痕。
日文中比較少直接使用這個動詞,通常都是用「折り筋をつける(做出摺痕)」來表達英文的「fold and unfold」。uniaxial / 単軸 / 單軸 : A base is called uniaxial if all flaps lie along a single axis and all hinges are perpendicular to the axis.一個基本形被稱為是單軸的、如果所有角片都沿著單一的軸線分佈、且所有樞紐都和軸垂直的話。
uniaxial box pleating / 横分子蛇腹法 / 單軸箱形褶 : A subset of box pleating in which the 90° symmetries of box pleating are used to create uniaxial bases or portions thereof.箱形褶的一種特例,其中箱形褶的 90° 對稱性被用來製造出單軸基本形或是其中的一部份。
日文裡面的「横分子蛇腹法」這一則術語最接近的對應應該是這個才對,因為該術語並不是泛指任何的箱形褶、而是特別指單軸的情況而言。unsink / アンシンク / 反沉摺 : Removing a sink fold, turning a point from concave to convex.把一個沉摺操作移除,使之從凹點變成凸點。
waterfall / ? / 瀑布 : A virtual structure in the map that allows the river to perform an "imaginary teleportation" from part of it to another part of it. It is use as a heuristic for interpreting pleats that act as multiple roles simultaneously.地圖中的一種虛擬結構、能允許河進行一種從其一部份到另一部份的「假想瞬間移動」。它是一種用來解釋具有多重角色的褶片的啟發法。
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